Wild hog hunting trips
are becoming increasingly popular in Georgia as the hog
population is increasing. They are considered
as a threat to the safety of other wildlife and crops. Many guides, including Woods-N-Water offer
hog hunting packages on their managed properties. Some hogs can become aggressive when they
feel challenged, or their piglets are in danger therefore beginners need to be
careful and attentive while hunting. Here
we have some important tips and tricks to help make your hunt safe and
Tracking the wild hogs: Look for
signs such as rooting, wallowing and tracks.
In order to find food, hogs use their snouts to root through the
vegetation so you want to look for uprooted soil on the property. Simultaneously, you need to identify the
wallow in the mud created by hogs above the land near ponds and creeks. While trying
to recognize the tracks look for that are wider and rounder. A deer track looks similar but is narrower
and more oblong.
Hunt at night: It may be
difficult for a beginner to hunt during daytime. The best time is to hunt hogs
is late in the evening and during the night while they are feeding. Check your local guidelines, some states
allow hunting without artificial light.
trekking out on your own you may want to consider seeking the help of an expert
guide before beginning wild boar hunting trips.